Working groups

The aim is to initiate networking to strengthen research on Career Guidance in specific thematic areas.
There are currently three working groups.

Digitalisation is important for Career Guidance, as it adds value for the provision of pedagogical offers to promote professional development. Career guidance is thus possible, independent of space, time and location. Individual vocational interests can be explored in greater depth in the digital space. Digital tools can support and further develop reflection, communication, cooperation and collaboration in the career choice process.

Heterogeneity focuses on the need for individual support. Thus, the effectiveness of Career Guidance programmes for multiple target groups needs to be reviewed and expanded. Particularly interesting are people with fewer opportunities facing access barriers. Here, e.g., the potential of digital learning provisions should also be exploited.

Sustainable development can be described as the greatest challenge of our time. It requires innovation and cooperation at all levels. It can be a field of action in which future-oriented and sustainable action is addressed and made possible. (Future) professional action becomes relevant not only under the aspect of professional interests and skills as well as professional goals, but also connected with the question of what contribution professional domains can make to the preservation of the world. Sustainability in Career Guidance in the education sector also has a positive effect on achieving the set goals of the European Green Deal. An awareness is raised for new opportunities for innovations, investments and jobs on a theoretical conceptual as well as research-based level.