Career Guidance in Schools under European and International Perspectives:
Online-Conference on 27th/28th June 2024

The conference is aimed at European researchers (but is also open to researchers from other countries worldwide) who deal with topics related to Career Guidance in schools. The conference serves to exchange research work, to identify common research desiderata and to network the participants.
A separate slot will be set up for young scientists before the official start of the conference.
Agenda of the Scientific Conference
Submission of contributions

Thematic focus
The topics of the conference will focus in particular on the following key areas from a theoretical-conceptual or empirical perspective:
- How can Career Guidance in general education schools prepare students to successfully shape their career biographies? What competences do students, teachers and other educational staff need to successfully shape their careers and lives?
- How can the European labour and education area be taken into account in Career Guidance?
- How can students be specifically supported against the background of diversity and inclusion? What role does teaching play? What roles do counselling, diagnostics and extracurricular learning venues play?
- What influence does digitalisation have on post-school transitions and careers? How can digital tools support Career Guidance?
- What impact does the topic of sustainability have on the world of work? How can young people be sensitised to and interested in sustainability-oriented aspects in their later working life?
- What requirements arise for education systems (e.g. legal framework conditions for extracurricular cooperation), schools (e.g. pedagogical staff, school organisation) and their cooperation partners? How can school development and transition networks be promoted?
Organisation of the conference
The conference will be organised online using Zoom and other tools. The official language of the conference is English.
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
Submission of papers
We invite you to actively contribute to the content of the conference. The contributions can also be published in the conference proceedings (open access publication).